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Installation de forgejo sur rocky-linux en mode binaire

Installation des pré-requis

Installation des packages manquants

dnf install -y git git-lfs wget

Installation de forgejo

Création du groupe et du user associé au futur service 

groupadd --system git
adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --comment 'Git Version Control' --gid git --home-dir /home/git --create-home git

Création des dossiers qui seront utilisés par le service

  • Création du dossier /var/lib/forgejo qui contiendra les données
mkdir /var/lib/forgejo
chown git:git /var/lib/forgejo && chmod 750 /var/lib/forgejo
  • Création du dossier /etc/forgejo qui contiendra le fichier de configuration app.ini
mkdir /etc/forgejo
chown root:git /etc/forgejo && chmod 770 /etc/forgejo

Recuperation du binaire forgejo

cp forgejo-7.0.0-linux-amd64cd /usr/local/bin/forgejobin
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/forgejo-7.0.4-linux-amd64
ln -s forgejo-7.0.4-linux-amd64 forgejo

Installation du service

wget -O /etc/systemd/system/forgejo.service

Démarrage du service forgejo

systemctl enable forgejo.service
systemctl start forgejo.service



Further configuration in Forgejo’s app.ini

Stop the forgejo service: # systemctl stop forgejo.service

While at it, make /etc/forgejo/ and the app.ini read-only for the git user (Forgejo doesn’t write to it after the initial configuration): # chmod 750 /etc/forgejo && chmod 640 /etc/forgejo/app.ini

Now (as root) edit /etc/forgejo/app.ini

NOTE: You’ll probably find the Configuration Cheat Sheet and the Example app.ini that contains all options incl. descriptions helpful.

The following changes are recommended if dealing with many large files:

  • Forgejo allows uploading files to Git repositories through the web interface. By default the file size for uploads is limited to 3MB per file, and 5 files at once. To increase it, under the [repository] section, add a [repository.upload] section with a line like FILE_MAX_SIZE = 4095 (that would be 4095MB, about 4GB) and MAX FILES = 20 It’ll look somehow like this:

    ROOT = /var/lib/forgejo/data/forgejo-repositories
    ;; max size for files to the repo via web interface, in MB,
    ;; defaults to 3 (this sets a limit of about 4GB)
    FILE_MAX_SIZE = 4095
    ;; by default 5 files can be uploaded at once, increase to 20
    MAX_FILES = 20

    Similar restrictions restrictions exist for attachments to issues/pull requests, configured in the [attachment] sections MAX_SIZE (default 4MB) and MAX_FILES (default 5) settings.

  • By default LFS data uploads expire after 20 minutes - this can be too short for big files, slow connections or slow LFS storage (git-lfs seems to automatically restart the upload then - which means that it can take forever and use lots of traffic).. If you’re going to use LFS with big uploads, increase thus limit, by adding a line LFS_HTTP_AUTH_EXPIRY = 180m (for 180 minutes) to the [server] section.

  • Similarly there are timeouts for all kinds of git operations, that can be too short. Increasing all those git timeouts by adding a [git.timeout] section below the [server] section:

    ;; Git Operation timeout in seconds
    ;; increase the timeouts, so importing big repos (and presumably
    ;; pushing large files?) hopefully won't fail anymore
    DEFAULT = 3600 ; Git operations default timeout seconds
    MIGRATE = 6000 ; Migrate external repositories timeout seconds
    MIRROR  = 3000 ; Mirror external repositories timeout seconds
    CLONE   = 3000 ; Git clone from internal repositories timeout seconds
    PULL    = 3000 ; Git pull from internal repositories timeout seconds
    GC      = 600  ; Git repository GC timeout seconds

    They are increased by a factor 10 (by adding a 0 at the end); probably not all these timeouts need to be increased (and if, then maybe not this much)… use your own judgement.

  • By default LFS files are stored in the filesystem, in /var/lib/forgejo/data/lfs. In the [lfs] section you can change the PATH = ... line to store elsewhere, but you can also configure Forgejo to store the files in an S3-like Object-Storage.

  • If you want to use the systemwide sendmail, enable sending E-Mails by changing the [mailer] section like this:

    ;; send mail with systemwide "sendmail"
    ENABLED = true
    PROTOCOL = sendmail
    FROM = "Forgejo Git" <>
  • By default Forgejo will listen to the port 3000 but that can be changed to 80 with HTTP_PORT like this:

    HTTP_PORT = 80

When you’re done editing the app.ini, save it and start the forgejo service again: # systemctl start forgejo.service

You can test sending a mail by clicking the user button on the upper right of the Forgejo page (“Profile and Settings”), then Site Administration, then Configuration and under Mailer Configuration type in your mail address and click Send Testing Email.